Rakuten Viki The Silence of the Lambs Download

The Silence of the Lambs Rakuten Viki



Genre=Horror Director=Jonathan Demme Ted Tally runtime=118M USA actor=Jodie Foster





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The silence of the lambs 1991 films in series

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The Silence of the labs hadopi

The silence of the lambs soundtrack. First of all, i couldn"t feel the success at the end, The hero manages to win only because the villain made a mistake. And we don"t know who the victim is you can"t feel so sorry for a person you don"t know. They did try to present her a bit that"s true.
And i think a person"s natural reaction in that situation at the end is to try to remain as silent as possible and listen to every sound. Instead she was making lots of noise moving around and breathing heavy being scared out of her mind. Then we see her confident receiving her medal because she was lucky. Didn"t really look like she deserved it.
Also, i wasn"t really be able to follow how the problem was solved by her, that might just be my fault, but again it stopped me from savoring the success at the end.
Another thing is that the characters seemed too cold, The female hero was totally unaproachable, that doesn"t make a very nice character to care about. Hannibal was pretty great but then he just started doing irrational things and totally ruined himself as a sympathetic character.
And at the end he goes to kill his prison guard. What was that for ? He didn"t seem like a bad character. Just to make an old cannibals joke ?
And what the hell was all that sweat on her at the beginning ? it was cold outside, how much would a girl have to run to get like that ? And the whole scene was pointless anyway, too unimportant, to unemotional.
And other things, good movie overall though.

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